

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Free Joel

OK, a little more info about this blog.  Blog, I can't believe I'm even blogging, but it's for a damn good cause.  "Free Joel", why?  Well, because for the past several months this guy has been busting ass finishing his Shovel just to ride down with all his friends for the Born Free show end of June.  That's why, plain and simple, got it?  Good.  Since there's no way he'll make it this year, why not bring Born Free to him, so that's what we're doing.  Enough of this already...damn I'm getting sensitive in my old age.
With Love - The "Sensitive Ones" (thanks Tally)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for starting this! You are an amazing friend! Let's make this Born Free in SL, UT happen! MUAH!
